8 tips to help you overcome the fear of being sober

fear of being sober

Withdrawal symptoms can sometimes be intense, but with the right kind of treatment, you will find it much more manageable to deal with withdrawals than you imagined. The fear of being sober is a very common fear in recovery. To outsiders it might sound like a fear of success, but the fear of sobriety is more about your feelings without substance abuse. After all, it’s been a long time since you were sober, and maybe your last experiences of sobriety were traumatic.

“I Will Lose My Friends”

One reason for this is the understandable and very common fear of what being sober feels like. Life in the absence of the self-medicating highs and euphoric escapes that drugs or alcohol once provided can suddenly appear very boring, uneventful, and empty. While this point of view is understandable, it’s also thankfully often misleading and entirely possible to overcome, as a member of FHE Health’s Alumni Program recently shared…. If you believe that sobriety is going to be boring, then it’s likely that you’re scared of becoming sober.

You’re Afraid of Not Being Able to Handle Life Without Drugs or Alcohol.

  • Support can also look like joining in-person and online support groups.
  • If you’re asking this question, you’re not alone.
  • If you’re like me, this can feel entirely terrifying.
  • In the meantime, they do what they must to survive the day.
  • The fear of getting sober is more common than we may think.

It’s if you feel insecure, you’re attracted to more polarized views, more polarized political views. And there are different ways that account for this behavior. But one has to do with the fact that when https://ecosoberhouse.com/ people feel threatened, they tend to retreat to sort of the in group. It’s not only about enabling people to reach a minimum threshold that enabled them to live their lives with the basic needs met.

fear of being sober

Refer a loved one

  • Staying stuck in this fear generally means staying stuck in addiction.
  • You might also think that the people you meet will not want to be around you because you do not engage in the same activities they do.
  • Like many fears or phobias, symptoms may vary between people.
  • Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises can help you manage stress and the anxiety that may come with sobriety.
  • However, if you don’t learn to manage those fears and put them into perspective, they will drive you right back to the bottle.

Everything they do – day in and day out – focuses on that next hit, drink, or high. When you take that away, even when you know it is for the best, you are opening the door to all types of risks. And, to be frank, many times that reality is downright hard to swallow.

As human beings, everyone has the capability to handle responsibility. While you are in treatment, you will learn about accepting responsibility, and you will learn ways to ensure that you follow through on your commitments. Sobriety will build your self-esteem, confidence, and communication skills. You will start to feel better about yourself, making you more comfortable engaging in conversation with others. The new you, clean and sober, will have so much more to offer that you will be amazed at the quality of friendships you will attract.

  • Sobriety is a lifelong journey filled with challenges and obstacles but also incredible rewards.
  • However, it’s important to remember that sobriety is not something to be afraid of.
  • A recent survey asked people if they would be willing to make a personal financial sacrifice to mitigate climate change.
  • Other studies find that this fear of the unknown is a risk factor for depression, prolonged grief disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • If you give substance abuse up, you’ll have to face those emotions and find a new way to cope.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Get Sober

For with changes comes adjustments, which can be challenging. So it may take some time before you truly feel content in your new life. But the following insights may ease your journey and improve your outlook. So understanding and addressing these fears is paramount. But that’s not incompatible with the notion that countries need to come together to address the next pandemic or to address climate change. Again, not with the speed, not with the intensity that we would like to see.

Get Started on Your Road to Recovery

fear of being sober

“I Am Afraid I Cannot Make It Through Stressful Days Without Drinking”

fear of being sober